I recently came across Fabiana Claure, a music business maven with programs to help musicians. She suggests: Make 1 Big Business Goal for the next year.

That’s right, indie musician, even though you wear 18 hats, choose one goal. The goal must also be doable and scale-able, but let’s start with identifying it.

No biggie.

Some questions to help this process are:

  • What venues you want to play or not play?
  • How much money you want to make?
  • How much money you want to invest in yourself?
  • How many songs you want to produce?
  • How many shows you want to perform in a year?
  • How you want the audience to feel at your shows?
  • Causes you want to contribute to?
  • People or organizations you want to collaborate with?
  • How many music videos do you want to make?
  • How big do you want your mailing list to be?
  • How big do you want your online following to be?
  • Will you monetize your online following? How?
  • Will you prioritize making the most of your time and energy?
  • Will you commit to working on your craft x number of hours per week?

Related reading: https://www.inc.com/damon-brown/why-you-should-double-down-on-only-one-goal.html