In the context of music, the camp of humans by the fire with meat is the Internet, and the long cold path through the mountains is your independence. The Internet has become the comfort food of musicians, who are naturally wild animals. People pleasing has become the unconscious currency as musicians post content online for likes, follows and to take part as obligatory click bait. Sure there are some people doing genuinely creative, original work out there, and sharing it online, but social media pandering has become the soup we are all sipping. The bonfire of music will go out if we are content to stoke the coals of our egos online.
The reason for this is that as humans, it’s natural to want to be accepted by a group. Changing who we are, ever so slightly to this end, is normal. Musicians are meant to buck this trend and create new paths and new communities for people to be part of. When all of the music scene is online, we put up a veil that hides us from the true mission of music.
Am I saying to stop using the Internet? No, as then you wouldn’t be reading this. I am asking that you give serious thought to what you want to say–and not just what people want to hear.
The dog with the birthday cap thanks you in advance.
The wolf welcomes you back to your instincts.
Make real music. Not real good content.
by Hannah Frank